
Taxonomy Term Pages on Steroids Using Panels and Views

Published October 27, 2010

Creating a well-organized, content-heavy website is difficult. Creating one that is also sustainable is even trickier. It's easy to keep adding features to a web site without considering how they fit into the overall plan until you get to the point where things start getting out-of-hand and site maintenance starts becoming a real issue (blame Drush for making it so darn easy to add new modules!)

Using Display Attachments to Provide a Consistent Summary in Views 2

Published February 13, 2009

The "summary" list is Views is a really handy feature, but unless it is properly configured, it can lead to an inconsistent experience for end-users. The goal of this post is to demonstrate how a little bit of configuration can provide a very consistent user experience. Here's a quick example of what I'm trying to avoid: consider the following content type called, "Food": As you can see, it is a very simple content type, with only a single added field, "field_food_type". This text field is set up to require the user to select one of its options. When creating a view to show all "Food" nodes, there might be too many to display all at once - you'd like to break up the view by food type in order to allow the user to drill down to the food they're looking for. Using a single Views 2 "Page" display, this is easy to do - just add an argument for the food type and have it display a summary when no argument is present: This will result in the showing only the food types when the page is displayed with no arguments: When one of the food types is clicked on, you'll see a list of matching foods: This works great and is easy to set up if this is what you're looking for. However, I find that often I'd like the summary and a listing of matching content to be displayed at all times. When there is no argument present, then I want a paged list of all the content as well as the summary. When an argument is present, I want the filtered content but I still also want the summary. This can be quite easily done using a display attachment.