DrupalCamp Organizer Survey

Published June 4, 2010

The Drupal Association is trying to figure out the best way it can help DrupalCamp organizers. To that end, we've create a quick survey for DrupalCamp organizers to help the association determine how DrupalCamps are currently organized and managed.

The survey is divided into three sections: general information, finances/legal, and miscelleanous. The "general information" section has four questions about the date, location, and size of the camp. The "finances and legal" section has four questions about the size of the budget, registration fees, and legal organization of the camp. The survey concludes with a four-question "miscelleanous" section that asks about camp purchases (including event insurance), volunteers, and a text area for additional comments.

Only one organizer from each camp needs to complete the survey (we'll take care of any duplicates). So far we've collected about 30 responses, and we'd like to ensure that representatives from all DrupalCamps have a chance to respond.

The association will use the survey responses to determine how they can best support local DrupalCamps. If you're a DrupalCamp organizer, please complete the survey!

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