
Taxonomy Term Pages on Steroids Using Panels and Views

Published October 27, 2010

Creating a well-organized, content-heavy website is difficult. Creating one that is also sustainable is even trickier. It's easy to keep adding features to a web site without considering how they fit into the overall plan until you get to the point where things start getting out-of-hand and site maintenance starts becoming a real issue (blame Drush for making it so darn easy to add new modules!)

Using Context Module to Set Body Classes

Published August 6, 2009

The Context module is a great way to get a site's unwieldy block configuration page under control. It allows you to display individual blocks only when a certain "context" is available.

For example, a context may be set when a particular view is displayed. When that happens, you can use the Context module to display certain blocks alongside the view. If you find yourself writing block visibility code over-and-over again, the context module will save you time and headaches.