
We're getting workshoppy

Published May 27, 2016
We’ve really been busy here at DrupalEasy updating our curriculum and adding some training programs that we think will help get people leveraging the new awesomeness of Drupal 8. After a few times out at Drupal events, and our upcoming gig at Drupal North in Montreal with Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development on June 15, we’ve decided to go broader. We’re going new school, with online sessions of these D8 workshops in June to extend the reach beyond camps and 'cons. If you are looking to get up to speed with Drupal 8 module development and/or theme development, two

How Do I Become a Web Developer?

Published February 29, 2016
If you look at what the experts are forecasting for jobs, it’s hard to find a list of promising careers that doesn’t count web developer in the top 20. The US Department of Labor puts web developer in the Bright Outlook Occupations category, which means it is “expected to grow rapidly in the next several years, will have large numbers of job openings, or is a new and emerging occupation.” Online finance magazine The Street puts web designers at #17 on the list of "Careers to Pursue if You Want the Best Work-Life Balance". US News slots web developer at

Long Form Drupal Training For Long Term Success

Published August 19, 2015

It's that time of year again - the next session of the Drupal Career Online program is about to get underway. Interested in learning Drupal best practices, common development shop workflows, as well as a bunch of the tools that modern Drupal professionals use every day? Looking to expand your current development team but don't have the time or the resources to train existing or new staff? If so, the Drupal Career Online program was designed with your needs in mind! This will be the seventh time we've taught our curriculum, and the ninth time overall that is has been used for long-form Drupal training (Acquia has used it for their Acquia U program). We're confident that it provides students with the knowledge and experience to compress the amount of time it takes to become a Drupal professional.

Nimble Training

Published January 8, 2015

Since we have ramped up our training business over the past months, I've been teaching a lot of Drupal to a lot of different types of people with various backgrounds, goals and motivations. As diverse as they may be, from private client training engagements for some of the largest Drupal shops to our own 12-week Drupal Career Online to now providing the technical curriculum for Acquia U, one training element that spans audiences and is continually driven home is the importance of being nimble.

Professionally-Trained, Community-Oriented, Drupal Career Online Students Ready for Work

Published October 13, 2014

The fifth class of our Drupal career training program is just about at the halfway mark, and our students are eager to put their new skills to work. The six Drupal Career Online students will be ready for junior-developer-level work in mid-November, and we're looking for forward-thinking organizations willing to help our graduates on the next leg of their Drupal career journey. As we've done for the past five classes, (we've had more than 60 graduates so far) we're looking to make introductions between our upcoming graduates and organizations looking for people with Drupal site-building and development skills. Our Work Experience Drupal (WE Drupal) program is designed to provide students with valuble experience in internship-type settings. WE Drupal host companies are asked to make a 6-10 week commitment to one or more of our students, provide them with guidance, mentoring, and the professional experience that is so difficult to come by for new Drupal site builders and developers. In return, you get the efforts of a well-prepared, super-eager Drupal novice to help you lighten the task-load for your staff.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Developers) Drupal Career Training

Published July 17, 2014

With four sessions graduating more than 60 People over the past four years, there's no doubt that the Drupal Career Starter Program can bring aspiring developers from zero to hero in just a matter of a few months. Imagine what it can do for you, or your people, who are already developers, but need to be trained up in Drupal. We have, and are making it highly accessible in a live, online format designed to fit into working schedules. The upcoming Drupal Career Online training program kicks off in just about a month, and your organization now has the ability to choose the developer(s) that match well to your team and leverage our unique, holistic training to turn them into a solid member of your Drupal development team.

Drupal Web Developer Career Series Part 2: Trailblazer Stories and Advice

Published July 3, 2014

This is the second of four (ok, it was three, but there is so much good information!) weekly blog posts that encapsulate the advice, tips and must-do elements of career building in the Drupal Community from the panel of experts collected for DrupalEasy’s DrupalCon Austin session; DrupalCareer Trailhead; Embark on a Path to Success . It will be listed with other career resources for reference at the DrupalEasy Academy Career Center .

Drupal Web Developer Career Series Post 1: Drupal Jobs Landscape

Published June 26, 2014

DrupalEasy was really jazzed to host the career how-to session with community leaders, living Drupal success stories, and a panel of talent-hungry recruiters from Drupal organizations around the world At DrupalCon Austin. Drupal Career Trailhead; Embark on a Path to Success provided so much great information on mapping out your Drupal Career, and so many people asked about follow up, that we realized it warranted some further dissemination.