Come to the Lite 💡… of Professional Module Development!

Published August 8, 2023
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If you’ve been on vacation or heads-down on summer projects and have been meaning to ramp up your module development skills, there is still time to register for the Lite version of the Summer 2023 session of Professional Module Development, DrupalEasy's newest long-form, best-practice focused, professional Drupal development course. 

James Shields, who completed the Winter session earlier this year describes the PMD as “A fantastic course covering some really advanced stuff. If you understand the principles of Drupal, but want to move forward to deal with advanced development topics, this is a good place to start.”  The deadline to register for the Lite version of the upcoming session is August 18th. 

The Lite version of the Professional Module Development course, which begins on August 22, runs as a subset of three of the five sections of the Full version of the program. The Lite version includes approximately 60 hours of curriculum and live instruction, along with all the super-rich DrupalEasy learning resources and access to the lively DrupalEasy Learning Community

The select curriculum for the Lite version is designed for those who don't require the full menu of topics, focusing on the core module development aspects of the class, including custom modules, creating plugin types and tests, and using several APIs. Lite Professional Module Development is $2,500. 

Reviews of the course are in, and are gratifying, especially those that recognize the advantages of our training style, like Mark Colebank’s comments: “DrupalEasy provides excellent training courses for learning Drupal development. Mike is a patient teacher who is very concerned that his students master the subject. He goes the extra mile to answer questions, spend extra time with students to help them work through problems and provides quality reference materials. I would highly recommend DrupalEasy for anyone wanting to learn how to do Drupal development.”

You can register for the Lite version anytime before and up to August 18th.  If you have any questions about the course, or would like to discuss whether it might be right for you, contact us

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